Σάββατο 8 Ιουνίου 2013

"Night Thoughts" του Βαγγέλη Πατέλη

(Είναι μια πολύ σημαντική για το Μπαούλο και μια πολύ πιο σημαντική στιγμή για μένα! Βρίσκομαι στην ενθουσιαστική θέση να σας παραθέσω το πρώτο σκονισμένο γράμμα που έλαβε το ταπεινό μου blog!

Έτσι, όλο αυτό έφτασε και στα αυτιά του Βαγγέλη Πατέλη, ο οποίος μου παραχώρησε ένα κείμενό του κι εγώ το φιλοξενώ εδώ! Γραμμένο στ' αγγλικά, γιατί ο καθένας γράφει όπως νιώθει, μας παρακινεί να νοιαστούμε, να αγαπήσουμε και να πάρουμε δύναμη από τα απλά, μικρά, καθημερινά πράγματα!

Ευχαριστώ πολύ, Βαγγέλη!)

Nowadays it is common knowledge that each and everyone of us is in an need of some time for himself. I mean that we have the tendency to accumulate problems and worries without taking them into serious consideration. For instance all of us don't give the appropriate significance to everyday and daily routine problems in our workplace, in our school or even in our leisure time. It can be easily inferred that we seem to be indifferent for the world around us and mostly for ourselves.To begin with, i must state that I'm not the role model but some minor incidents made me think in a total different way. After having a night walk in the lake with some friends and visiting a friend in trouble in order to make him feel better after being letting down by his closest friends, i was walking back home. In fact i was trying to imagine what if i were in his shoes. Walking through the people with my speakers deep into my ears i was able only to watch the world around me while listening to music that made me thinking. Suddenly i felt like i was isolated from the whole world and no one was nearby. I was under the impression i could hear myself taking to me, loudly and clearly. It was the ideal time to meditate and clear my mind. On my way back home i came across most of these problems. As a matter of fact i must admit that i was in state of depression due to the music but mostly because of me. Every second of the day just appeared in front of me and i could analyze every single situation i was into. I felt like a lost another battle, like wasting one more day of my life and giving up my life. Walking through a dark alley a stranger waived at me. A bald old man looked at me, waived at me, asked me how i was and he raised his fist into the air. I felt like he wanted to transmute into my mind a special message. Something like that the war isn't over yet. Some of us would call him insane, others wouldn't even give a look at him but i shivered at this message he sent me. I realized that after all there will always be someone to lift you from the ground, or at least will try to help you on your own way up. It seems to me there is still some compassion in this world regardless of the fact we just can't locate it. Guess what; I found some that night on a pretty bizarre place . Our closest friends could play the same role but try to visualize a state like that. That feeling was one of a kind and after that i never saw this man again. I wish all the best for him as well and i hope to listen from him anytime in the future.

Summing up, my point was to get my message across, never take anything for granted. Even the tiniest incident has it's own deeper impact on your life. This insignificant stuff can brighten your day and lead you out of a dead end. So care for the people close to you and even more for those who are in need of caring, be a hero for all these people, a hero that will save them just in time.

(Αν θες να γράψεις κι εσύ για το Σκονισμένο Μπαούλο, κάνε like εδώ και μάθε όλες τις λεπτομέρειες!)

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